Inspiration expressed

To increase your happiness and high performance I invite you to check out The Happiness Express Blog.
I cover topics such as…
  • defining your personal brand
  • identifying and using your strengths
  • cultivating a positive mindset
  • improving workplace wellbeing
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Create positive change with NLP

Create positive change with NLP

How NLP changes your experience of life. Have you ever been absolutely delighted with your performance in a particular area and would love to be able to re-create that success and apply it to other areas of your life? Do you admire someone else’s ability and wish you...

Statements for greater self-belief

Statements for greater self-belief

Self-belief is the key to achievement, contentment, and happiness. If you want to make a change in your life, often the key ingredient is believing you can do it. "If there is a faith that can move mountains, it is faith in your own power." – Marie von...

A stress-less life

A stress-less life

How do you achieve a stress-less life? Stress is a major factor in employee under-performance and absenteeism. In today’s economic climate, redundancies are common, and departed employees are often not replaced, increasing the workload of the remaining staff and...

6 ways to boost employee energy

6 ways to boost employee energy

Balanced energy is vital for high performing employees. Food, water, sleep, breathing, physical activity and relaxation all contribute to your level of energy. Rate yourself on a scale of 1-10 in each of the following areas, where 1 is low and 10 is high. Then check...

Are you in a fulfilling career?

Are you in a fulfilling career?

Want a more fulfilling career? The starting point is to build your self-awareness. Awareness of your career values, your strengths, what gives you flow, who you surround yourself with, and where you’re heading. The following questions can help you begin to deepen your...

Setting new year resolutions?

Setting new year resolutions?

Have you set yourself some New Year Resolutions this year? As a coach I’m a big believer in goal-setting and I develop clear goals for both my professional and private life at key points during the year, reviewing and refining them on a regular basis. I find that...