Coaching FAQs


What is coaching?

Coaching is a series of conversations that will help you get from where you are now to where you want to be.

ICF defines coaching as partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential. The process of coaching often unlocks previously untapped sources of imagination, productivity and leadership.

We all have goals we want to reach, challenges we’re striving to overcome and times when we feel stuck. Coaching is based on the view that you already have the answers deep down, but haven’t yet been able to pinpoint them or successfully put them into action. Partnering with a coach can change your life, setting you on a path to greater personal and professional fulfilment.


Why would I need a coach?

Maybe you’re at a turning point in your life and need some clarity on which path to take. Perhaps you have a goal that you’ve always wanted to achieve and need help to overcome the obstacles that hold you back. Or maybe you want to get your life in balance to have more time and energy for the important stuff.

Find out if coaching is right for you. Contact Sarah for a free 30 minute consultation.


What sort of areas do you coach?

Personal branding and leadership

  • Defining your authentic leadership style, especially women in male-dominated environments
  • Aligning with your values and those of the organisation, especially in new cultural environments
  • Using emotional intelligence to increase understanding and collaboration
  • Creating and communicating vision
  • Inspiring greatness in yourself and others

Strengths and confidence

  • Focusing on your positives
  • Building confidence to drive authentic decision-making
  • Identifying and growing strengths for career progression
  • Setting goals and priorities to improve personal and professional effectiveness

Workplace wellbeing

  • Cultivating a positive mindset and attitude
  • Managing stress, even through times of change
  • Creating work-life balance
  • Using mindfulness for mental clarity


What would be expected of me?

For coaching to be effective you need to focus on what you want to change, and you must be ready and willing to take action, so that you can make the difference you want in your life.

We can have the most amazing coaching conversation together, shedding limiting beliefs and unlocking new insights, but the change really happens when you then do something with that, taking action in your life to move you forward.


How does coaching differ from therapy, counselling, mentoring and training

In therapy or counselling you spend more time analysing your past and how that may be holding you back. Coaching is forward-looking and involves creating action steps for you to achieve your goals.

Coaching is not mentoring or training, in which expertise would be passed on from the specialist to you. Quite the contrary – you’re the expert on you. As your coach I help you tap into your inner wisdom and resourcefulness to find the solutions that are right for you.

If you want to know more, contact Sarah.


Where does the coaching take place?

The coaching sessions usually take place via Zoom or another video conferencing platform. If you prefer audio only, that's fine too.

If you'd like a more personal approach, we can meet in-person at one of my coaching offices in Bicester, or if more convenient I can come to your place of work (if you have a quiet space with no distractions).

And if you'd like to get active, we can walk and talk in the Oxfordshire countryside.


How long is each session?

The six-session coaching package starts with a one-hour goal-setting session and is followed by five 45-minute coaching sessions.

There can be exceptions to this. Maybe you'd like a one-off, top-up session which we can run for 60 or 90 minutes.

For corporate coaching we may decide upon a different arrangement depending on the needs of your organisation.


How many sessions should I have?

To build momentum, address hidden issues that may be blocking you and move towards real benefits, I offer a 6-session package, typically taking around 3 months, with a session taking place every two weeks.

This can be extended depending on how far you've progressed towards your goals, or whether you have something new to work on.


How often should I have a session?

You will usually meet with your coach every two weeks.

For corporate coaching arrangements, we can explore weekly, fortnightly or monthly sessions depending on your schedule, the nature of your issue, and the actions you set yourself between each session.

The key is to make progress and maintain momentum while allowing sufficient time between sessions to implement your actions and integrate your learning.

Contact Sarah to see what’s right for you.


What does it cost?

Your investment will vary depending on the length of your programme,as well as whether we meet in-person or via Zoom/phone.

For private individuals, payment is required 48 hours in advance of the program or session by cash, bank transfer or PayPal, or paid as part of a pre-agreed monthly payment plan.

For corporate coaching rates (including one-to-one executive coaching and workshops) please call Sarah on +44 (0)77 170 172 39 or email


What if I need to cancel or re-schedule?

As careful planning goes into each session it’s important that you give me sufficient notice of any changes to our arranged appointments. This also encourages you to remain committed to your coaching.

If you fail to show up or cancel with less than 24 hours’ notice you will be charged the full session fee.

Please note sessions will end at the allocated time, so to get the full benefit it’s best to be punctual.

Have a question that’s not in the list?

"Sarah helped me focus my priorities and articulate my thoughts at a key time in my career. She is a great listener and I found her help invaluable."

Hannah Severin, senior analytics manager

“Several years after our coaching sessions ended I’m still benefiting - I recently received a big bonus, which was related to a development plan I had created with Sarah and followed ever since.”

Nancy, account manager

"Sarah has been my coach for years now and for good reason. I reach out to her whenever I face a difficult life decision - career moves, starting my business. Sarah's patience and questioning helped me gain clarity and identify hidden opportunities."

Margarita Madrid, wellbeing consultant

“My plans for my business are now real rather than vague thoughts and, more importantly, positive habits have now been formed that will be sustained beyond the coaching sessions”

Liz Aiken, business and personal coach, trainer and photographer

“Sarah was excellent at listening and getting quickly to the crux of my issue. The work was tangible, helping me set goals, find the right tools and check in. The best part of working with Sarah is seeing me succeed at the goals I set, boosting my confidence to reach for more.”

Tauneel McKay, IT director

“Sarah helped me clarify and build bridges between two quite different professional strands - mindfulness training and town planning. She was patient, attentive, professional and friendly while guiding me through mind-mapping, mock interviews and positivity."

Dean Wooding, town planner & mindfulness trainer

“Sarah makes you want to love yourself and everyone else, because the alternative now seems so unappealing.”

Shanelle, digital marketing consultant

"Sarah keeps you focused on the things that matter to you. She provides great resources to help you achieve your goals and is constantly reminding you of the things you set out to do, while listening with empathy and asking the right questions."

David Cuen, VP consumer content marketing

"Sarah's career coaching helped me to improve my strengths and fix my weaknesses. She is a great listener, always demonstrating empathy. She also provided me with useful resources to help me achieve my goals."

Gaia Antonaci, analytics and insights manager

“I really enjoyed the Happiness Workshop. It was both informative and practically focused. All the tips that Sarah shared can be easily adopted and immediately applied, and the benefits are tangible and quickly demonstrated.”

Niki, senior talent and development manager

“I was seeking clarity on whether or not to change my career and how. In Sarah, I found a listener who could pick out recurring themes and key topics – helping me see the wood for the trees. Replaying back what I had said in a succinct format really exposed the core issues. I was able to unblock previous thoughts, and define steps to move me closer to my desired outcome.”

Paul, product manager

“Sarah helped me to develop my own leadership style consistent with my values and aspirations. She is a great listener and quickly understood the challenges I face in leading my business, revealing a wide-angle view whilst at the same time dealing with the day-to-day challenges.”

Gordon, director

“Sarah made me feel comfortable and able to open up and be honest. She pushed me to reach below the surface and helped me find the true answer regarding my future”

Catherine McKinven, airline purser

“Through the coaching sessions, I have become more positive, learning to be kinder to myself, and accepting that sometimes performing at 90% is also OK. It really feels like the burden on my shoulders has been lifted.”

Nancy, meeting manager

“I wanted to remove barriers in my thinking and change my negative beliefs. I am now more positive, avoid procrastination and get out of dips quicker. Sarah's powerful questions helped me see what I really want, probing deeper than I would myself! I always left the session with one or two really good take-aways that have stuck with me. I have a better sense of my goals and they’re more authentic to me, bringing a much clearer direction for my business.”

Inge Woudstra-Van Grondelle, expert diversity & inclusion, W2O Consulting

“I am amazed to look back at how my self-perceptions have evolved in only six sessions!”

Rachel, consumer testing manager

“The sessions gave me energy, motivation and self-confidence. Sarah helped me find the right answers, simply by asking the right questions”

Mieke Bruins, event manager

“This is the first time that I’ve re-read my notes immediately following a workshop. I’m transferring the most important take aways to post its and putting them around my screen as reminders. I am back at work and energized!”

Tauneel McKay, IT director

“Prior to the sessions, I tended to second guess myself and give myself a hard time, but the coaching helped me to overcome my confidence wobbles. And the more I got on and simply did things, the more I achieved”

Joanne, legal advisor

“Sarah helped me to zero in on key problem areas, such as setting boundaries, delegating and prioritising. I now feel comfortable managing my team, I’m better at giving and receiving feedback and I’ve freed up more time to do what’s important.”

Anthea, assistant to director

“The mantras and visualisations were very powerful and helped me to move from a negative to a positive mindset. I’m much more grounded in the present, I’m more positive and confident, and I’ve even gained some new clients for my business.”

Zena, professional organiser

“Sarah is gentle, warm and persistent, with a gift for identifying the 'big rocks'! She acted as a great anchor, rigorously holding me accountable to what was most important to me. As a result, I have been more present to my values when making decisions and prioritising.”

Rachel Dungan, The Pharmacist Coach

“I see so much clearer now and don’t waste time on things that are not urgent or important. I now have the right tools to set my priorities even in the crazy times. I am a happier person!"

Andrea Kaltenbrunner, financial controller

"Sarah's approach is as results-driven as it is human, with a deep personal commitment to achieve the targets that we defined together. At this crucial crossroad in my career, Sarah has challenged me, or slowed me down, as necessary, helping me develop my unique personal brand and a new perspective on a healthy work-life balance.”

Tina Solos, global business applications manager

“Sarah was my career coach facilitating my transition into the UK. She is an expert at her subject with very high level of integrity., possessing the most invaluable attributes – trust, transparency and initiative. She has added great value in helping me reach closer to my goals.”

Amitaabh Bakshi, senior general manager

“Sarah’s coaching is results-oriented. Our sessions were highly focused on my objectives and tailored to my individual motivators and concerns. A thorough, intelligent, resourceful and focused coach.”


“I’ve surpassed all previous efforts. I can now realise my potential in a long-term, manageable manner.”

Cliff, dentist