7 steps to getting going with the things you let slip. I don’t know about you, but every January I set a few intentions for the year. I’m always reluctant to call them New Year’s Resolutions, as that term seems to carry so much baggage these days, as if there’s a...
Stop Procrastinating in 5 Simple Steps
How are your New Year’s Resolutions coming along? Are you still focused and full of energy? Or is your motivation starting to fade? Procrastination costs us a lot of energy with no real gain. We don’t do the thing we keep meaning to do, and then we beat ourselves up...
Happy New You!
Make it happen in 2016 Have you set some new year resolutions? Do you have goals you want to achieve this year? Are you determined to stick to your plan this time around? My personal goal for 2016 is to help as many people as possible be the happiest they can be. I...
Annual Life Review
Celebrate your success, identify your limitations and learn what to do next As you look back on your year, are you now where you intended to be? We often set goals in January and have aspirations and expectations of what we will achieve in the year ahead. Maybe you...
Set Priorities and Stay Focused
A Handy Priority-Setting Method Are you overwhelmed with tasks? Is your To Do list only getting longer? Do you struggle to focus on what really needs to get done? If you’re a ‘mañana, mañana’ kind of person, then bear in mind this Spanish proverb, “Tomorrow is often...
Get Congruent
Are your goals in line with your values? Do you ever set out to achieve something only to realise half-way through that it’s not bringing you what you thought it would? But you persevere anyway because it’s a goal you set and you want to see it through to completion?...
Go with the Flow
Go With the Flow I’ve just finished reading ‘Flow’ by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. Thankfully the book title is well known enough in personal development circles to simply refer to it by its title. But for those of you eager to impress, it’s ‘Mike Chicks-sent-me-high’,...
Motivation – 20 strategies for sustained success
Get motivated Do you embark on projects full of gusto but run out of steam before you’re even halfway? Do you start out strong but rarely reach the finish line? Learn some simple steps to get motivated and stay on track. Even the biggest procrastinator will find a...
Use a goal-setting template
What’s your goal? Alice came to a fork in the road. “Which road do I take?” she asked. “Where do you want to go?” responded the Cheshire cat. “I don’t know,” Alice answered. “Then,” said the cat, “it doesn’t matter.” (Taken from Lewis Carroll’s ‘Alice in Wonderland’.)...