Are your goals in line with your values? Do you ever set out to achieve something only to realise half-way through that it’s not bringing you what you thought it would? But you persevere anyway because it’s a goal you set and you want to see it through to completion?...
Mind Your Head
Mind Your Head – The Benefits of Practicing Mindfulness at Work Do you sometimes get to the end of a working week and wonder where the time has gone and what you’ve actually achieved? So many of us spend our time on a work treadmill rushing from one thing to the next...
6 Steps to Confidence
Confident New You! If a lack of confidence is holding you back from going for that new job, starting online dating or taking up a new hobby, fret no more. Follow these six steps and become a more confident you! 1) Make a list A list of reasons why you can be confident...
From Good to Great – use your strengths
From Good to Great Use your strengths to truly excel! How often do you play to your strengths? Do you even know what strengths you have? All too often we take our strengths for granted. They come naturally to us; they’ve often been part of us for as long as we can...
Go with the Flow
Go With the Flow I’ve just finished reading ‘Flow’ by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. Thankfully the book title is well known enough in personal development circles to simply refer to it by its title. But for those of you eager to impress, it’s ‘Mike Chicks-sent-me-high’,...
Are you in a fulfilling career?
Want a more fulfilling career? The starting point is to build your self-awareness. Awareness of your career values, your strengths, what gives you flow, who you surround yourself with, and where you’re heading. The following questions can help you begin to deepen your...
Setting new year resolutions?
Have you set yourself some New Year Resolutions this year? As a coach I’m a big believer in goal-setting and I develop clear goals for both my professional and private life at key points during the year, reviewing and refining them on a regular basis. I find that...