Inspiration expressed

To increase your happiness and high performance I invite you to check out The Happiness Express Blog.
I cover topics such as…
  • defining your personal brand
  • identifying and using your strengths
  • cultivating a positive mindset
  • improving workplace wellbeing
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Motivation – 20 strategies for sustained success

Motivation – 20 strategies for sustained success

Get motivated Do you embark on projects full of gusto but run out of steam before you’re even halfway? Do you start out strong but rarely reach the finish line? Learn some simple steps to get motivated and stay on track. Even the biggest procrastinator will find a...

Build your Personal Brand using Positive Psychology

Build your Personal Brand using Positive Psychology

How positive psychology can build your personal brand Personal Branding is often in the media these days. It seems everyone’s at it. Creating a, sometimes well-crafted, public persona that’s communicated to all you meet and populated throughout social media, touching...

Be a Learning Leader

Be a Learning Leader

How becoming a learning leader gives you the edge Your school days may be in the past but there are numerous benefits to continuous learning. Here are a few ways you can become a learning leader. Re-visit your field of expertise The “use-it-or-lose-it” phenomenon...

Use a goal-setting template

Use a goal-setting template

What’s your goal? Alice came to a fork in the road. “Which road do I take?” she asked. “Where do you want to go?” responded the Cheshire cat. “I don’t know,” Alice answered. “Then,” said the cat, “it doesn’t matter.” (Taken from Lewis Carroll’s ‘Alice in Wonderland’.)...

6 Leadership Lessons from the Ice Bucket Challenge

6 Leadership Lessons from the Ice Bucket Challenge

What can leaders learn from the from the Ice Bucket Challenge? If you’ve got a social media account you won’t have escaped the recent domination of Ice Bucket Challenge posts in your news feed. In case you missed it, it’s a charitable activity to raise awareness and...

New Happiness Express website and blog!

New Happiness Express website and blog!

Welcome to the new Happiness Express website and blog! Happiness Express Coaching has been inspiring happiness and high performance across the globe since its inception in 2010. I’ve been located in Amsterdam, London and Sydney and worked with clients in-person and...

Personality matters – MBTI

Personality matters – MBTI

MBTI and me. What is MBTI? The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a psychometric questionnaire designed to measure how people perceive the world and make decisions. Based on the theories of Swiss psychiatrist, Carl G. Jung, in the 1920s, it was developed (in the...

Create positive change with NLP

Create positive change with NLP

How NLP changes your experience of life. Have you ever been absolutely delighted with your performance in a particular area and would love to be able to re-create that success and apply it to other areas of your life? Do you admire someone else’s ability and wish you...

Statements for greater self-belief

Statements for greater self-belief

Self-belief is the key to achievement, contentment, and happiness. If you want to make a change in your life, often the key ingredient is believing you can do it. "If there is a faith that can move mountains, it is faith in your own power." – Marie von...